I-TEC is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization.  Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  No goods or services are provided in exchange for your donation.  In keeping with legal and tax requirements, all donations are subject to the control of the I-TEC Board of Directors, including its variance power.

To Give by Check: Write your check to I-TEC. Use the memo line to designate for a specific missionary or the I-TEC General Fund.

Mail your gift to:


23 Green Hollow Road

Montoursville, PA 17754

To Give Through PayPal: Look below for the missionary you’d like to receive your gift and choose “Donate.” If you want your gift to go to the I-TEC General Fund, you can do that at the bottom of the page.

This link indicates my/our desire to donate to I-TEC and designate the donation to the account for Trey and Johnna Harper

This link indicates my/our desire to donate to I-TEC and designate the donation to the account for Robert and Terri Harmon.

This link indicates my/our desire to donate to I-TEC and designate the donation to the account for Gene and Stephenie Flewelling.

This link indicates my/our desire to donate to I-TEC and designate the donation to the account for Tom and Linda Garber.

This link indicates my/our desire to donate to I-TEC and designate the donation to the account for Gary and Kathy Smedley.

This link indicates my/our desire to donate to I-TEC and designate the donation to the account for Miguel and Nora Villa.

This link indicates my/our desire to donate to I-TEC and designate the donation to the account for General Fund.