The last significant rain Honduras had was back in September (We are in the “dry season”). Fields are brown, farmers can not plant new crops and cows are dying in the pastures. The reservoirs in the cities are very low, and water is being rationed. The river which supplies the pond for the El Sembrador’s hydro-electric plant is also very low, which means there isn’t enough water to run the hydro all day. Therefore the school must connect to the Honduran power grid which is very expensive and at times supplies voltage as low as 75 volts, well below the normal 120 volts. Voltage that low destroys everything from electronics to refrigerator compressors.
Last year a couple from North Carolina donated 3 voltage regulators to El Sembrador. In March Gerard Row and Tommy Duckworth, two linemen who work with ITEC, came down and helped Bill and Eddy, the electrician Bill works with, install the regulators. The regulators are now keeping the voltage at proper levels! This is a huge help to the school. Thank you to each one who pitched in to make this project a reality.
Bill & Beth Ryan